The Maue Five

The Maue Five


Follow us on our journey to bring Max home

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We leave tomorrow!

I can't believe we leave tomorrow. We actually leave on Sat. At 1:00 am. We are suppose to be at the airport 3 hours early (maybe for the pat down). China is 14 hours ahead of us so we will loose a day. So while you are sleeping on Sunday night we will be meeting our son. It just seems weird, that in a couple of days we will no longer be a family of 4 we will be a family of 5. So I am comparing the 17 hours of flight to 17 hours of labor. Actually labor was not that bad. I am sure the flight will be fine. We do have a layover in Korea so pray for safety. Just want to say thank you to all of you who have been and are continuing to pray for us. My biggest concern is for Max and how he must be feeling. I know he is back at the orphanage and away from his foster family. I know he must be hurting along with his foster family. We are just trying to focus on the big picture. Please feel free to comment or to e-mail us at

Angie Maue


  1. Trusting & Praying that God will fill his heart with excitement to meet his new forever family and that it will be a natural transition for all of you!

  2. Angie, Dave, & Girls-

    Congratulations! I am in tears of joy seeing your pictures and reading your blog. What a blessing you are to Max and what great joy and blessings he will bring as he completes your family. Praying for great health and a safe journey back home! Dawn Mollo
