The Maue Five

The Maue Five


Follow us on our journey to bring Max home

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

We had a great Christmas. Max went to his first Church service on Friday night. I think he was a bit overwhelmed. We have a very close church family and everyone knew of our adoption. When we came into church a lot of people were welcoming him and saying hi Max. I could see in his eyes he was thinking how do all these people know my name? He did fall asleep during the service and slept for about 3 hours. My two brothers and their families came over for Christmas Eve, Max finally woke up. He opened a present, something you had to put together and he loved it. Christmas day was fun he liked his lego's and nerf gun and light saber. I got everyone a nerf gun except for me. I should of gotten a shield!! Dave is having so much fun with some boy toys. No more barbies. Actually the girls are having fun with his toys as well. They both got light sabers too. Yes I know they are 14 and 17 but Dave is 45 and he is having fun with them too. We went to Daves mom's house for Christmas dinner and he went sledding with his cousins. He had a blast. He is a little daredevil. He liked to jump in front of the on coming sledders. After he became a speed bump a couple of time he stopped doing it.
Max is adjusting well although he is very stubborn and only want to do what he wants. We have a hard time convincing him to get in the car to go somewhere. We are leaving in a few minutes, we have a couple of stops to make then we are going out to dinner today is my birthday. We are going to a Chinese restaurant so Max can eat something. We are having a hard time finding things he will eat. One of our stops is the Asian market I am hoping he will pick out a few things. Right now he is playing the WII with his sisters. He has won a couple of times and he is pretty proud of himself. We will have to pull him away in a couple minutes. I will have to tell you how it goes.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

We are home

We are home!!! It took us a bit longer we missed our connecting flight from Seattle to Chicago because of a delay in Korea and a not so cooperative immigration officer. Asiana was not able to get us on a flight until the next day so they put us up in a hotel and bought us dinner. It actually worked out well. We got to see Daves sister Barb from Bellingham. She drove down and met us in the morning for breakfast, she was the first family member to meet Max.
We finally arrived home about 9:00p.m on Sunday night. Max was full of energy because he had slept the entire flight (without benidryle). It was so fun to watch him explore our house. He loved the dogs!! It was so funny we all came in and took our coats off Max met the dogs. We decided we needed to let the dogs out so we opened the door the doogs ran out and Max followed. He did have his little shoes on but no coat. We have about 3 inches of snow on the ground an it's very cold. He took off around the house to the play set before the girls ran him down and carried him back to the house. He likes his room he slept on the top bunk. Kasey slept on the bottom. We didn't get to bed until after midnight. We all slept until about 7:30. Max loves the snow he and Dave went out to play in it shortly after we got up. He is fully equipped with coat, gloves, hat, mittens, snowpants and boots. Dave was pulling him around on the sled. Dave did admit he is not as young as he used to be and he was wore out before Max wanted to quit being pulled around on the sled.
We went to grandma and grandpas house to cut down our Christmas tree. They have a big hill in the back yard and we had fun sledding down it. He was having so much fun.
I know it will take awhile for us all to get back to a regular sleeping schedule. I am taking Max to the Dr. today he has a cough and an ear that is draining. I hope he is ok with the Dr.
I have not had time to get my pictures on my computer so I will post more later.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Going home!!!!

Well we leave the Garden Hotel in about 10 minutes and head to the airport. We will arrive in Chicago in Sat. The 18th at around 7:15. Talk to you all soon.

Angie Maue

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Chilling in the room

At the clinic, Max was chatting up a storm with this doctor.

He was very proud after he got his TB test.

He was very proud

Jake and his girlfriend

Max and his buddy TJ, max is holding his frog bubble machine mama got him it is now broken

All of the adopted kids in the group

Red couch photo

TJ and Max on red couch

On the pearl river with all the lights

The safari was really cool, we could get really close to the animals.

Baby zebra

Animal kindergarten

Animal hats

Charlie, baba, max, Macy, and kasey

Me and Cassia

We could get really close!

Standing by the giraffes

The Robertson family

Awww he is so fat

Baby panda pile up, there are four

Awww mamma and baby elephant

Max was showing his stuffed animal to the real bird

Raquel and I. We cowgirls :)

And that was our day at the safari

Bubble muscles

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Done with paperwork

I know its been awhile since I have blogged. It seems like we never have enough time just to relax and hang out. I now have 15 min before we meet downstairs for our fair well dinner together. It's all bitter sweet. We have been all together sharing this experience and I will miss everyone. I am also glad we will be back home in a few days. Max came up to me today and gave me a hug and said wo ai ni Mama sounds like wall eye knee it means I love you and then he said wo ai ni baba. It was so cute, it was right after the oath taking ceremony at the US embassy. It really was unprompted and was so sweet. Our paperwork is all done.
On Sunday I went on the city tour, Dave, Kim, Kasey and Max did not go. We all met up at restaurant for Dim Sum. Dim Sum is like little appetizer foods. I really am looking forward to eating at home. I have to say I do like having someone make my bed and restock the towels.
Monday we had to go back and have Max's TB test read, all is good.
We also went to the White Swan Hotel and had our picture taken on the red couch. This is something most adoptive families do. The picture was soon after Max puked from the bus ride.
Tuesday we went to the safari park. It was really a nice park with a lot of animals. The pandas were so cool. I have to say the giraffes were my favorite. You could buy some branches and feed them. They were so close you could pet them. Max is not afraid of animals at all. You could also buy pieces of raw meat and feed the lions. Max picked out a stuffed parrot for his souvenir. As we were leaving the park we passed a bunch of parrots one looked just like his stuffed one he wanted to show them to each other. The real parrot was very curious.
We have had a few battles. He is testing the boundaries. As long as we do everything he wants he is fine but as soon as something doesn't go his way watch out. He is so stubborn. Kasey has some competition.
Tomorrow we are gonna do some shopping. Dave and Max will not go. It's gonna only be in the 40s here. I know what some of you are thinking. Quit complaining. I am not looking forward to coming home to single digits.

Sharon,Eva, Angie .....Eva is from our adoption agency

Max and his friend TJ

Outside the hotel

Inside the hotel, our hotel is the headquarters for the Asian para games going on now.

All the adopted kids from our group

Our family red couch photo


Boat cruise

Don't know what our meal was. Max ate it.

Zoo, white tiger

Bath time Max has bubble muscles