The Maue Five

The Maue Five


Follow us on our journey to bring Max home

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WOW!!!! Family of 5 for 14 months

I know it has been a long time sense I have posted anything. Life just kinda takes over and the have to do's out weigh the want to do's. Posting is defiantly is a want to do. Max is doing really well. He no longer knows any Chinese. He speaks English fairly well. You really can have a conversation with him and he will understand what you are saying (most of the time) and can answer back. We still have a long way to go. His teacher sent home a little 10 page book of vegetables and he only knew the carrot. I think we need to eat more veggies.
Christmas was very fun. Max was very glad to have the time off of school. Kasey, Max and I took a trip to Florida to visit Grandma and Grandpa. We spent a lot of time on the beach. The weather was perfect. I have to say we are still having a hard time with food. We are making him at least try new things but most of the time he says yuk. I really don't know if he truly does not like the food or if it is a control issue. We will just keep trying.
Max is mostly attached to me. Mama can do no wrong, but everyone else sure can. He has no trouble telling others what he wants or does not want them to do. I feel he may have been rather spoiled by his foster family in China. We have been in contact with his foster family and know now how much he was loved and cared for. When Max came to us he had the disposable camera I had sent him and in the pictures was a picture of him holding a sign with the foster families QQ address (like our e-mail) and there phone #. We waited about 9 months before contacting them. We have a friend who is Chinese and she was able to set up a Skype visit with the family and act as our translator. Max by this time had no idea what they were saying and he really did not have much interest in trying to communicate. It was really kinda of sad. His China grandma was the caretaker and was so happy to see him and to know that he is very much loved. He talks about his China family now, mostly his mei mei (little sister) and his grandma. His foster sister was just adopted into the US in November. I have tried to find her but have not been able to. Max's foster family were considered to be a little more well off than most. They raised chickens, thousands of chickens. We have sense gotten pictures from them of when he was younger and some of the chicken farm. We feel so blessed to have been able to connect with them and receive some answers to the first 7 years of his life. His foster family wanted to Skype with us on the Chinese New Year so we had our friend set it up for before school. It was early morning for us and late night for the family. They had a cousin visiting who could speak some English so he did the translating. I had to bribe Max to sit and talk this time. Some of Max's friends were over and he would ask who they were. I don't know if the picture wasn't clear or if he has blocked some of China out. I had told them that Max likes to listen to some Chinese songs and asked if they sang to him and the grandma and older sister started to sing to him. It was so sweet.
We are looking forward to a fun summer and warmer weather.