The Maue Five

The Maue Five


Follow us on our journey to bring Max home

Friday, December 10, 2010

Orphanage Visit

We went to the orphanage yesterday, I am a day behind. Dave stayed back with Max and Kasey. We had the guide ask Max if he wanted to go back and pass out candy to the kids we see but he did not want to go. Kim and I went and saw where Max slept and we met his caretaker. She told us he likes yogurt, crackers and candy and does not like fruit. We have found he loves fruit does not like yogurt. She also said he is very smart. We have heard that from the guides along with the orphanage director.

We bought him a couple of Chinese videos And he loves to watch them. It must be kinda comforting to hear the videos in Chinese when we are always speaking in English. At dinner tonight he told one of our guides that we just sound like noise we don't make sense. We can get our main point across but we can't explain things to him. We had our guide tell him we have a sticker that we are gonna stick behind his ear to help with him not feeling well on the bus. He was ok with it and said he would ride on the bus.

When we went to dinner last night we ate at a Chinese restaurant. We had a chicken dish that came out with the head of the chicken still on the plate. They say it means the chicken is fresh. I think I would rather have not so fresh chicken. If you have not checked out Kims blog I am sure it's much more detailed I am so tired at night I don't feel like I have been writing as much as I wanted.
Today was a free day and we went to a nice park. We had lots of fun. We went on a paddle boat ride and Max was the captain.
Dave and Max have been enjoying bath time. They put their swimsuits on and have spray wars with the shower sprayer and the tub sprayer. The tub and shower are in one room.

Angie Maue