The Maue Five

The Maue Five


Follow us on our journey to bring Max home

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Chilling in the room

At the clinic, Max was chatting up a storm with this doctor.

He was very proud after he got his TB test.

He was very proud

Jake and his girlfriend

Max and his buddy TJ, max is holding his frog bubble machine mama got him it is now broken

All of the adopted kids in the group

Red couch photo

TJ and Max on red couch

On the pearl river with all the lights

The safari was really cool, we could get really close to the animals.

Baby zebra

Animal kindergarten

Animal hats

Charlie, baba, max, Macy, and kasey

Me and Cassia

We could get really close!

Standing by the giraffes

The Robertson family

Awww he is so fat

Baby panda pile up, there are four

Awww mamma and baby elephant

Max was showing his stuffed animal to the real bird

Raquel and I. We cowgirls :)

And that was our day at the safari

Bubble muscles

1 comment:

  1. Finally had a chance to catch up on your blog. Love all the photos and and the stories behind them. Only a day away from being home. Can't wait to see you all :)
