The Maue Five

The Maue Five


Follow us on our journey to bring Max home

Monday, December 6, 2010

Gotcha Day

Today was gotcha day!!! We were pretty nervous, Max or they call him Quan Quan (chin chin) is how it is pronounced was last to come out. He was so scared he would not even look at us but about half hour in I got my first hug. He calls us Ma Ma and Ba Ba. He is doing so well now all smiles they tell us he is very smart. He likes all his gifts especially the cars. His foster family sent him with a little dog that sings twinkle twinkle little star. We went to McDonalds for lunch he wanted Chicken McNuggets. He loves to share he gives everyone a bite or a piece of whatever he has then he will eat his. We went to Trust Mart it's kinda like Walmart. Max picked out a video and a remote control car Ba Ba could not say no. He did want a couple other things but was ok with no to those things. He likes Dave to carry him, he is very little looks more like 4 or 5. We are just gonna get some carry out for dinner. We are all very tired. I will write more tomorrow, stay tuned.
Angie Maue


  1. OMGOSH- OMGOSH OMGOSH !!!!! Could hardly sleep last night and woke up to the best news on your blog and the most adorable pictures ever :) So happy for you all. Can't wait to hear and see more. Keep those updates coming :)

  2. WOW!! PTL!!! I am so excited for all of you! Max looks so happy in the pictures as the rest of you do too! I hope that you are able to get some sleep! Looking forward to more post! HUGS to all of you!!

  3. Praise the Lord - So glad for you guys - love the pics - Max is adorable - Can,t wait to see you all back home - May God bless your time with Max - have a great time together - see you when you return

  4. Praying these next days of transition will show him the immeasurable love that awaits him.
    Glad to see Papa Dave set some boundaries in the store (-: My adoptive friends say it was one of the most important and hardest guidelines to set, because you want to show them happiness and joy. Kids wanting stuff has NO Cultural ignorance or boundaries!
    They also said how fast discipline issues were challenged. They had to hold to Healthy, loving firmness and consistency. God Disciplines those He loves and so we too follow that basic Biblical principle.
    How exciting & challenging everything is before you as you get to inter-act and know the little guy.
    Praying for rest, energy, creative communications as you learn ways to cross the language barrier and Expanding LOVE!
    Praying God gives this little guy HIS peace and stability in your family so that Max has few tears of separation from his friends and foster family.
    God Bless and ENJOY YOUR TIME!!!
    Love, Linda and Wayne

  5. How are Kasey and Kim adjusting to China?
    Liking food? Hope you all get to do sightseeing as a family. I remember my friend made sure she picked up some cultural heritage pieces for their home to remind her daughter of China. I am sure they have suggested things like that to you too....
    Have a glorious time and we will be anxious to welcome you back!!!!!

  6. WOW! Our hearts are filled with SOO much joy for you guys right now! After skyping last night, we just couldn't get you all off our minds, and we anxiously checked this a.m. to see the wonderful pics and news! God is so good, and he has perfectly ordained this! It's so neat to see it truly unfold now. We totally loved the part about Max's sense of humor that Kasey emailed...too funny! :) Love you guys, and we will continue to pray for peace and the adjustments.
